ponedjeljak, 16. travnja 2012.

Electric Vehicle

I was thinking about this for few past months. It would be great to drive car almost for free. Gas prices are running high and i would like to search for alternative. The alternative is Electric or Hydrogen.
For basic concept of EV (electric vehicle) i would choose light weight aluminium frame that i would build from scratch. I think i would use three-wheeler design with aluminium body.
Electrical side of project is going to be fairly simply, a 2-3kW AC motor working on 110V few car batteries hooked up in series with similar voltage (100-110V). After the batteries I need to make an DC to AC inverter but high power one so that it can handle powerful motor. Ah yes, a motor controller an AC one there is a lot of schematic diagrams on internet I'm sure i can find one that i need. A motor controller is one of most important things in Electric Car. With it I can control motors torque, accleration, switch between front and reverse. For charging i would use power supply with little higher voltage than batteries output (6 electrodes Lead car battery is listed as 12V every electrode out of 6 is not strictly 2V each actually it is 2.2V so a 12V car battery fully charged is 13.2V) also due to high capacity of batteries I'm going to use higher current charger just to speed up the process. Here in Bosnia like everywhere in Europe the main voltage is 220V so if use the transformer to drop down the voltage by half (110V) or higher due to transformating laws the current would go up so I'm OK with that.
For charging on the run i would use couple of small 40-50V DC generators hooked up to wheels them too connected in series. And i am going to use braking-charging method. Small generator hooked up to flywheel.
Capacitor bank made out of two or three ultra capacitors with about 800F each would be nice.
The line diagram would look like this:
On-Run charging system                           
Battery Pack
Voltage controller
Capacitor bank
Motor controller
Couple of other controls

If u have any questions please let me know. And please give me some sugestions or correct me if I'm somewhere wrong.
Thank You

2 komentara:

  1. Hi Enis, I think that it is nearly impossible to drive a car completely for free.... but who knows.... I'm working on a way to create a Helicopter working with the earth magnetic field
    it would be a merge of electronics and electromagnetics... as well as a little bit of usual magnetics.... The physics part is the hardest, I'm not so in Physics.... so i wish you luck and keep on the work! Greetings, ZipKitty!

  2. Not completely free...Just with very low coasts, electricity is very cheap. Thank you for the comment i wish you much luck with your project... What can I say luck is what you need that's really a hard one.
